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Last seen: 09/05/2024 - 13:20
Joined: 06/02/2022 - 10:31
us_term_of_grant table


The data dictionary on granted patents doesn't have a description of the table called "us_term_of_grant". Could you please provide more information about the description of this table, and specifically, what does "length of grant term" and "length of extension to grant" mean?

I wanted to understand better the context of those variables and those tables, in terms of the patent process

Thank you very much in advance, with much appreciation


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US_TERM_OF_GRANT explanation

Hello Ekaterina

The column "term_grant" measures the length of time during which a patent is in force (i.e. the inventor(s) or assignee(s) have exclusive rights to the invention) in years.

The column "term_extension" measures an extension to that period in days.

The standard term of a granted patent in the US is 20 years from the date on which that patent's application was submitted, or 17 years from the date the patent was granted, whichever is greater. the table us_term_of_grant contains exceptions to that standard and additional details where they apply. If a patent does not appear in the table, or its corresponding entries in the table are null, this standard can generally be assumed to apply to that patent.

One common case of a non-standard term is design patents (marked by a patent_id beginning with the letter 'D'). Design patents as a category have a typical term of 14 or 15 years, depending on when they were issued, instead of the usual 20. These patents make up the majority of records in the us_term_of_grant table with a non-null value in "term_grant". 

More detailed information on the law surrounding us patent terms can be found here:


Last seen: 09/05/2024 - 13:20
Joined: 06/02/2022 - 10:31
Thank you very much for the…

Thank you very much for the information, with much appreciation