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Inventors Endpoint

Inventor Field List

GET /api/inventors/query?q{,f,o,s}
POST /api/inventors/query

This will search for inventors matching the query string (q) and returning the data fields listed in the field string (f) sorted by the fields in the sort string (s) using options provided in the option string (o).

The HTTP GET request method is the preferred access mechanism; however when the query parameters exceed a reasonable size (around 2,000 characters), then the POST method can be used. When using the POST method, the query parameters should be embedded within a JSON string within the request body.

Name Description Details
q JSON formatted object containing the query parameters. See below for details on formatting this object. string, required
example: {"inventor_last_name": "Whitney"}
f JSON formatted array of fields to include in the results. If not provided, defaults to inventor_id, inventor_first_name, and inventor_last_name . string, optional
example: ["patent_number", "date"]
s JSON formatted array of objects to sort the results. If not provided, defaults to inventor_key_id . string, optional
example: [{"inventor_last_name":"desc"}]

JSON formatted object of options to modify the query or results. Available options are:

matched_subentities_only — Only subentity data that matches the subentity specific criteria is included in results. Defaults to true.

include_subentity_total_counts — Total counts of unique subentities included in results. Defaults to false.

page — return only the Nth page of results. Defaults to 1.

per_page — Size of each page of results. Defaults to 25.

string, optional
example: o={"matched_subentities_only": "true", "page": 2, "per_page": 50, "include_subentity_total_counts": "false"}

Specifies the response data format. If not provided, defaults to JSON. Available options are:



string, optional
example: format=xml

An example of a complete API call using the GET verb is:{"inventor_last_name":"Young"}&f=["inventor_id","inventor_last_name","inventor_first_name","patent_number","patent_date"]

An example of the equivalent API call using the POST verb is:

with the body containing:



Inventor Field List

API Field Name Group Common Name Type Query Description
app_country applications Country string Y Country in which patent application was filed, always U.S.
app_date applications Filing Date date Y Date the patent application was filed (filing date)
app_number applications Number string Y Application ID assigned by USPTO
app_type applications Type string Y Patent Application Type (From XML data dictionary). 02 through 28 = Utility application; 29, D = Design application; 60 = Provisional application; 90 = Reexamination request
assignee_city assignees City string Y Assignee's city as listed on the patent
assignee_country assignees Country string Y Assignee's country as listed on the patent
assignee_county assignees County string Y Assignee's county associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
assignee_county_fips assignees County FIPS code string Y FIPS code of the assignee's county associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
assignee_first_name assignees First Name string Y First name, if assignee is individual
assignee_first_seen_date assignees First Seen Date date Y Earliest patent grant date for all of an assignee's patents in the database
assignee_id assignees ID string Y Unique database assignee ID assigned by disambiguation algorithm
assignee_last_name assignees Last Name string Y Last name, if assignee is individual
assignee_last_seen_date assignees Last Seen Date date Y Most recent patent grant date for all of the assignee's patents in the database
assignee_lastknown_city assignees Last Known City string Y Assignee's country as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_lastknown_country assignees Last Known Country string Y Assignee's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_lastknown_latitude assignees Last Known Latitude float N Latitude for assignee's location as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_lastknown_location_id assignees Last Known Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the assignee's location on their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_lastknown_longitude assignees Last Known Longitude float N Longitude for assignee's location as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_lastknown_state assignees Last Known State string Y Assignee's state as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of assignee_last_seen_date)
assignee_latitude assignees Latitude float N Latitude for assignee's location as listed on the patent
assignee_location_id assignees Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the assignee's location as listed on the patent
assignee_longitude assignees Longitude float N Longitude for assignee's location a listed on the patent
assignee_num_patents_for_inventor assignees Number of patents for Inventor integer Y Number of patents in the database for a given assignee and the selected inventor (as indicated by unique assignee_id and unique inventor_id, respectively)
assignee_organization assignees Organization string Y Organization name, if assignee is organization
assignee_state assignees State string Y Assignee's state as listed on the patent
assignee_state_fips assignees State FIPS code string Y FIPS code of the assignee's state associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
assignee_total_num_inventors assignees Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of inventors in database for a given assignee (as indicated by unique assignee_id)
assignee_total_num_patents assignees Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents in database for a given assignee (as indicated by unique assignee_id)
assignee_type assignees Type string Y Classification of assignee. 2 - US Company or Corporation, 3 - Foreign Company or Corporation, 4 - US Individual, 5 - Foreign Individual, 6 - US Government, 7 - Foreign Government, 8 - Country Government, 9 - State Government (US). Note: A "1" appearing before any of these codes signifies part interest
coinventor_city coinventors City string Y Coinventor's city as listed on the patent
coinventor_country coinventors Country string Y Coinventor's country as listed on the patent
coinventor_first_name coinventors First Name string Y First name of the coinventor
coinventor_first_seen_date coinventors First Seen Date date Y Grant date of coinventor's earliest patent
coinventor_id* coinventors ID string Y Unique ID for a coinventor assigned by disambiguation algorithm
coinventor_last_name coinventors Last Name string Y Last name of the coinventor
coinventor_last_seen_date coinventors Last Seen Date date Y Grant date of coinventor's most recent patent in the database
coinventor_lastknown_city coinventors Last Known City string Y Coinventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_lastknown_country coinventors Last Known Country string Y Coinventor's country as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_lastknown_latitude coinventors Last Known Latitude float N Latitude of coinventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_lastknown_location_id coinventors Last Known Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the coinventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_lastknown_longitude coinventors Last Known Longitude float N Longitude of coinventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_lastknown_state coinventors Last Known State string Y Coinventor's state as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of coinventor_last_seen_date)
coinventor_num_patents_for_inventor coinventors Number of patents for Inventor integer N Total number of patents in the database for a given coinventor with the selected inventor (as indicated by unique coinventor_id and unique inventor_id, respectively)
coinventor_total_num_patents coinventors Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents in the database for a given coinventor (as indicated by unique coinventor_id)
coinventor_latitude coinventors Latitude float N Latitude of coinventor's city as listed on the selected patent
coinventor_location_id coinventors Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the coinventor's city as listed on the selected patent
coinventor_longitude coinventors Longitude float N Longitude of coinventor's city as listed on the selected patent
cpc_category cpcs Category string Y Top Level Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) category (
cpc_first_seen_date cpcs First Seen Date date Y Grant date of the earliest patent in the database within a CPC subsection.
cpc_group_id cpcs Group ID string Y CPC group ID
cpc_group_title cpcs Group Title string Y Description of CPC group
cpc_last_seen_date cpcs Last Seen Date date Y Grant date of the most recent patent in the database within a CPC subsection
cpc_num_patents_for_inventor cpcs Number of Patents for CPC Subsection integer Y Number of patents within a CPC subsection for a given inventor
cpc_section_id cpcs Section ID string Y CPC section ID (A = Human Necessitates, B = Performing Operations; Transporint, C = Chemistry; Metallurgy, D = Textiles; paper, E = Fixed Constructing, F = Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting Engines; Pumps, G = Physics, H = Electricity, Y = General Tagging of new technological developments)
cpc_subgroup_id cpcs Subgroup ID string Y CPC subgroup ID
cpc_subgroup_title cpcs Subgroup Title string Y Description of CPC subgroup
cpc_subsection_id cpcs Subsection ID string Y CPC subsection ID
cpc_subsection_title cpcs Subsection Title string Y Description of CPC subsection
cpc_total_num_assignees cpcs Total Number of Assignees integer Y Total number of unique assignees on patents within a CPC subsection
cpc_total_num_inventors cpcs Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of unique inventors on patents within a CPC subsection
cpc_total_num_patents cpcs Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents within a CPC subsection
detail_desc_length patents Length of the detailed description text integer Y The character count (length) of the detailed description text on a given patent
examiner_first_name examiners First name string Y First name of examiner
examiner_id examiners ID string Y Unique database examiner ID (not currently disambiguated)
examiner_last_name examiners Last name string Y Last name of examiner
examiner_role examiners Role string Y Specifies the role of the examiner on the patent (either primary or assistant examiner)
examiner_group examiners Group string Y Art unit, tech center, industry sector, or other grouping of the USPTO examiners
forprior_country foreign_priority Country string Y Country in which patent was originally filed
forprior_date foreign_priority Date date Y Date at which patent was originally filed
forprior_docnumber foreign_priority Document number string Y Foreign patent application number
forprior_kind foreign_priority Kind string Y Kind of foreign priority document (international, national, regional)
forprior_sequence foreign_priority Sequence int Y Order in which foreign priority documents appear in patent file
govint_contract_award_number gov_interests Contract/Award Number string Y Contract or award number as reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available)
govint_org_id gov_interests Organization ID integer Y Organization ID of the U.S. government agency reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available)
govint_org_level_one gov_interests Top Level Government Organization string Y The top-level U.S. government organization name related to the organization reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available). For example, the National Institutes of Health report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
govint_org_level_two gov_interests Second Level Government Organization string Y The second-level U.S. government organization name related to the organization reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available). For example, the National Institutes of Health is second-level in relation to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
govint_org_level_three gov_interests Third Level Government Organization string Y The third-level U.S. government organization name related to the organization reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available). For example, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is third-level in relation to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
govint_org_name gov_interests Organization Name string Y Name of the U.S. government organization reported in the government interest statement on patents (if available).
govint_raw_statement gov_interests Government Interest Statement full text Y The full government interest statement as reported on a given patent (if available).
inventor_first_name inventors First Name string Y First name of inventor
inventor_first_seen_date inventors First Seen Date date Y Earliest patent grant date for all the inventor's patents in the database
inventor_id inventors ID string Y Unique database inventor ID by disambiguation algorithm
inventor_key_id inventors Inventor key id string N Special identifier used as the default sort field for the inventor query. This field may be deprecated in a future version.
inventor_last_name inventors Last Name string Y Last name of inventor
inventor_last_seen_date inventors Last Seen Date date Y Most recent patent grant date for all the inventor's patents in the database
inventor_lastknown_city inventors Last Known City string Y Inventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_lastknown_country inventors Last Known Country string Y Inventor's country as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_lastknown_latitude inventors Last Known Latitude float N Latitude of inventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_lastknown_location_id inventors Last Known Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the inventor's location as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_lastknown_longitude inventors Last Known Longitude float N Longitude of inventor's city as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_lastknown_state inventors Last Known State string Y Inventor's state as of their most recent patent grant date (equivalently, as of inventor_last_seen_date)
inventor_total_num_patents inventors Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents in the database for a given inventor (as indicated by unique inventor_id)
ipc_action_date ipcs Action Date date N Date an International Patent Classification (IPC) is issued for the patent
ipc_class ipcs Class string Y Second hierarchical level of the IPC system, sections are subdivided into classes
ipc_classification_data_source ipcs Classification Data Source string N “H” defining “Human - Generated”, “M” defining “Machine - Generated” and “G” defining “Generated via Software”
ipc_classification_value ipcs Classification Value string Y “ I ” defining “invention information” or “N” defining “non - invention information”
ipc_first_seen_date ipcs First Seen Date date Y Grant date of the earliest patent in the database within a IPC group
ipc_last_seen_date ipcs Last Seen Date date Y Grant date of the most recent patent in the database within a IPC group
ipc_main_group ipcs Main Group string Y Subdivisions of the IPC subclass
ipc_section ipcs Section string Y Highest hierarchical levels of the IPC corresponding to broad technical fields ( A = Human Necessitates, B = Performing Operations; Transporint, C = Chemistry; Metallurgy, D = Textiles; paper, E = Fixed Constructing, F = Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting Engines; Pumps, G = Physics, H = Electricity)
ipc_subclass ipcs Subclass string Y Subdivisions IPC class
ipc_subgroup ipcs Subgroup string Y Subdivisions of IPC main group
ipc_symbol_position ipcs Position string Y First or later position of symbols. The position of the first invention information classification can be recognized by this field. The letters "F" and "L" are used for the first and later position, respectively.
ipc_total_num_assignees ipcs Total Number of Assignees integer Y Total number of unique assignees on patents within an IPC class
ipc_total_num_inventors ipcs Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of unique inventors on patents within an IPC class
ipc_version_indicator ipcs Version Indicator date N The version of the IPC classification system
lawyer_first_name lawyers First Name string Y First name of lawyer
lawyer_first_seen_date lawyers First Seen Date date Y Earliest patent grant date for all the lawyer's patents in the database
lawyer_id lawyers ID string Y Unique database lawyer ID by disambiguation algorithm
lawyer_last_name lawyers Last Name string Y Last name of lawyer
lawyer_last_seen_date lawyers Last Seen Date date Y Most recent patent grant date for all the lawyer's patents in the database
lawyer_organization lawyers Organization string Y Organization name, if lawyer is organization
lawyer_sequence lawyers Sequence int Y Order in which lawyer appears in patent file
lawyer_total_num_assignees lawyers Total Number of Assignees integer Y Total number of unique assignees on patents within a given lawyer (as indicated by unique lawyer_id)
lawyer_total_num_inventors lawyers Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of unique inventors on patents within a given lawyer (as indicated by unique lawyer_id)
lawyer_total_num_patents lawyers Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents in the database for a given lawyer (as indicated by unique lawyer_id)
location_city locations City string Y City associated with a location_id
location_country locations Country string Y Country associated with a location_id
location_county locations County string Y Inventor's county associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
location_county_fips locations County FIPS code string Y FIPS code of the inventor's county associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
location_latitude locations Latitude float N Latitude associated with a location_id
location_id locations Location ID string Y Unique location ID generated by the disambiguation algorithm
location_longitude locations Longitude float N Longitude associated with a location_id
location_state locations State string Y State associated with a location_id
location_state_fips locations State FIPS code string Y FIPS code of the inventor's state associated with their location_id on a given patent (only US)
nber_category_id nbers Category ID string Y National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) technology category ID (see nber_category_title for details)
nber_category_title nbers Category Title string Y Description of NBER category
nber_first_seen_date nbers First Seen Date date Y Grant date of the earliest patent in the database within a NBER subcategory
nber_last_seen_date nbers Last Seen Date date Y Grant date of the most recent patent in the database within a NBER subcategory
nber_num_patents_for_inventor nbers Number of Patents for NBER Subcategory integer Y Number of patents within a NBER subcategory for a given inventor
nber_subcategory_id nbers Subcategory ID string Y NBER subcategory ID (see nber_subcategory_title for details)
nber_subcategory_title nbers Subcategory Title string Y Description of NBER subcategory
nber_total_num_assignees nbers Total Number of Assignees integer Y Total number of unique assignees on patents within a NBER subcategory
nber_total_num_inventors nbers Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of unique inventors on patents within a NBER subcategory
nber_total_num_patents nbers Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents within a NBER subcategory
patent_abstract patents Abstract full text N Abstract of the patent
patent_date patents Grant Date date Y Date patent was granted
patent_firstnamed_assignee_city patents First Named Assignee City string Y City of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_country patents First Named Assignee Country string Y Country of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_id patents First Named Assignee ID string Y Assignee ID (assignee_id) for the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_latitude patents First Named Assignee Latitude float N Latitude of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_location_id patents First Named Assignee Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_longitude patents First Named Assignee Longitude float N Longitude of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_assignee_state patents First Named Assignee State string Y State of the location of the the first-named (i.e. first in the list) assignee on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_city patents First Named Inventor City string Y City of the location of the the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_country patents First Named Inventor Country string Y Country of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_id patents First Named Inventor ID string Y Inventor ID (inventor_id) for the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_latitude patents First Named Inventor Latitude float N Latitude of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_location_id patents First Named Inventor Location ID string Y Unique database ID for the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_longitude patents First Named Inventor Longitude float N Longitude of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_firstnamed_inventor_state patents First Named Inventor State string Y State of the location of the first-named (i.e. first in the list) inventor on the patent
patent_kind patents Kind string Y World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standard ST.16 Patent Code (
patent_num_cited_by_us_patents patents Number Cited by US Patents integer Y Number of times the patent was cited by other US patents
patent_num_claims patents Number of Claims integer N Number of claim statements on the patent
patent_num_combined_citations patents Number of Combined Citations integer Y Number of patents and applications cited by the selected patent. This is the sum of citations of US patents, foreign patents, and US applications
patent_num_foreign_citations patents Number of Foreign Citations integer Y Number of foreign patents cited by the selected patent
patent_num_us_application_citations patents Number of US Application Citations integer Y Number of US applications cited by the selected patent
patent_num_us_patent_citations patents Number of US Patent Citations integer Y Number of US patents cited by the selected patent
patent_number patents Number string Y US Patent number, as assigned by USPTO
patent_title patents Title full text Y Title of the patent
patent_type patents Type string Y Category of patent. There are 6 possible type: "Defensive Publication" - 509, "Design" - 474736, "Plant" - 21052, "Reissue" - 16416, "Statutory Invention Registration" - 2254, "Utility" - 4910906.
pct_102_date pct_data Date date Y 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) date for PCT applications
pct_371_date pct_data Date date Y PCT Section 371(c)(1)(2)(4)date, date when PCT application was filed
pct_date pct_data Date date Y Date when PCT document was filed or published
pct_docnumber pct_data Number string Y ID of the PCT document
pct_doctype pct_data Type string Y Type of the PCT document (wo_grant, pct_application)
pct_kind pct_data Kind string Y Kind of PCT application (numerical for filed, alphabetical for published)
rawinventor_first_name rawinventors First Name string Y Inventor first name before disambiguation as listed on the selected patent
rawinventor_last_name rawinventors Last Name string Y Inventor last name before disambiguation as listed on the selected patent
uspc_first_seen_date uspcs First Seen Date date Y Grant date of the earliest patent in the database within a USPC mainclass
uspc_last_seen_date uspcs Last Seen Date date Y Grant date of the most recent patent in the database within a USPC mainclass
uspc_mainclass_id uspcs Mainclass ID string Y ID of the USPC mainclass
uspc_mainclass_title uspcs Mainclass Title string Y Description of USPC mainclass
uspc_num_patents_for_inventor uspcs Number of Patents for Inventor integer Y Total number of unique patents within a USPC mainclass with a given inventor
uspc_sequence uspcs Sequence integer Y Order of the USPC classification in the list of classifications for the selected patent
uspc_subclass_id uspcs Subclass ID string Y ID of USPC subclass
uspc_subclass_title uspcs Subclass Title string Y Description of USPC subclass
uspc_total_num_assignees uspcs Total Number of Assignees integer Y Total number of unique assignees on patents within a USPC mainclass
uspc_total_num_inventors uspcs Total Number of Inventors integer Y Total number of unique inventors on patents within a USPC mainclass
uspc_total_num_patents uspcs Total Number of Patents integer Y Total number of patents within a USPC mainclass
wipo_field_id wipos WIPO Technology Field ID integer Y ID of WIPO technology field
wipo_field_title wipos Technology Field Title string Y Description of WIPO technology field
wipo_sector_title wipos Technology Sector Title string Y Description of WIPO technology sector
wipo_sequence wipos Sequence integer Y Order of the WIPO technology field in the list of technology fields for the selected patent
year_id years ID integer Y Year
year_num_patents_for_inventor years Number of Patents for Inventor integer N Number of patents for an inventor for a given year