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What's New with PatentsView - July 2022

A few months ago, our team announced a break in the quarterly data update cycle. This interruption  allowed us to standardize, consolidate, clean, and amplify our current resources across the bulk data download and API products.  

The bulk data downloads are currently comprised of more than 100 individual files. These files include disambiguated inventors, assignees, and locations, patent classification lookup tables, government interest information, long-text data and claims, and pre-granted patent application publications. The PatentsView team’s standardization and consolidation efforts aim to decrease barriers to merging these files. Part of this process targets data fields and table structures across the granted patent and pre-granted publications datasets. The standardization will also include updating PatentsView’s naming conventions for USPC and CPC fields to map closer to United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) naming conventions.  

Data update processes resume this month with an anticipated release this September. The September update will include data released by USPTO in between January and June 2022.  

Since one goal of the API redesign is to mirror the data available in the bulk data downloads, our team is continuing to increase the number of endpoints and data fields accessible through the beta Elastic Search API. With the September data update, we plan to release all remaining granted patent data currently not available in the MySQL API but available in the downloaded data (i.e. botanic, long-text description fields, applicants, etc.). We will release pre-grant patent publications’ data and endpoints by the end of the year. 

As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback and communication with our team. Our email inbox and feedback form are open; we strive to respond to messages within two business days. To ask questions or start a conversation within the PatentsView user community, please see the Forum available on our website. 

P.S. Here’s a quick note: Our Query Builder tool was supposed to remain available during this time of data product harmonization, but because of new Google email regulations on APIs, we are currently unable to return your datasets via email. We are seeking a solution to this issue and will keep you posted. In the interim, if you require a dataset from the Query Builder, please reach out to our team for guidance.  

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