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  • Announcing New Sorted Download Tables

    PatentsView is introducing our newest data download product: Sorted Download Tables. These new download tables will complement our Granted and Pre-Grant Download Tables and enhance the user experience by providing a more consistent and accurate representation of patent data across different eras. Please note that this is a Beta release, and significant future changes to the Sorted Download Tables based on community feedback are possible. Contact us at PatentsView Support.

    Why the New Files?

    In a previous Data in Action Spotlight post, we discussed changes in the rate of assignees in pre-grant publications. This change is often misinterpreted as a decrease in organizational involvement in patents or a data error. However, it actually reflects a shift in application rules due to the America Invents Act (AIA) and a corresponding change in where organizations appear in the data structure. A technical explanation of the problem with the source XML data and the solution implemented can also be found in this USPTO technical paper.

    What are Sorted Download Tables?

    The sorted files regroup records from both pre- and post-AIA eras for consistency over time. Here's how the new files were derived from the old ones:

    • Organizations: Records with an organization name or where an organization was mistakenly listed as a person.
    • Individuals: Records without an organization name that don't appear to be misrecorded organizations.
    • Assignees: Records from the original assignee table, plus records from the original applicants table with "assignee" as the applicant’s authority.
    • Inventors: Records from the original inventor table not listed as a "legal representative," plus records from the original applicants table with "inventor" as the applicant’s authority or "applicant-inventor" as the applicant’s type.
    • Applicants: Remaining records from the original applicants table not marked as an inventor or assignee, plus records from the original inventor table marked as a "legal representative."

    A visualization of this logic is available in the Beta Sorted Data Reference document.

    Structure of the New Files

    Each table starts with columns for granted patent identifier (patent_id) or pre-grant publication identifier (pgpub_id), sequence, and origin_section. The origin_section column indicates which of the original unsorted, non-disambiguated tables the record came from. Following these, you'll find individual and organization names, along with other relevant details from the original tables.  Additionally, each table contains the raw location ID, which can be matched with the raw locations table available on the main downloads page.

    A detailed data dictionary Excel file is also available.

    New Way of Organizing Data

    These files are an additional resource and do not replace the existing files on our website. They are simply regrouped to provide a more intuitive way of navigating our extensive data. This reorganization is a test of a potential new structure that we hope will enhance your experience.

    We hope to provide disambiguated data in a similar structure in the future, but at this stage, these sorted files are only available for non-disambiguated data.

    We Value Your Feedback

    We invite you to explore this new layout and share your thoughts with us through our service desk. Your feedback is invaluable as it will help us understand how these changes affect your ability to find and understand the data that is most relevant to you.

  • What’s New with PatentsView — November 2024

    PatentsView has always been a leader in providing high-quality patents data to help drive insights into invention and innovation. The platform offers tools to help researchers better understand intellectual property (IP), inventors, and innovation. Users can also explore trends and connections between various topics to gain a deeper understanding of the IP landscape.

    Our team has been working diligently behind the scenes to not only uphold our reputation for high-quality data and disambiguation, but to make PatentsView better and more functional. Here are a few ways we are making PatentsView better for you.

    Service Desk

    We recently launched a new service desk to help users request an API key, get technical support, report a bug, or suggest improvements. The service desk also helps the PatentsView team better track requests and use your suggestions for continuous quality improvements.

    PatentSearch API

    The PatentSearch API’s full-text endpoints have been updated. For clarity and efficiency, granted and pre-grant text endpoints have been separated.

    • Granted text data can be retrieved at /api/v1/g_brf_sum_text/, etc. 
    • Pre-grant text data can be retrieved at /api/v1/pg_brf_sum_text/, etc.
    • The json keys for these endpoints' responses have been updated correspondingly to g_brf_sum_texts, etc.

    Full update notes can be found at

    The new PatentSearch API is more advanced and efficient than the legacy API, which will be phased out in February 2025. Learn more about PatentSearch API in our PatentSearch API Reference page and Swagger interface.

    Ready to switch? Request a PatentSearch API key through our service desk.

    Ground Truth and Data Quality Checks

    To ensure the highest level of data accuracy, the PatentsView team has implemented several Ground Truth initiatives. These efforts involve cross-referencing patent data with verified sources to validate the information and correct any discrepancies. 

    By establishing a reliable ground truth, users can access more trustworthy data, which is crucial for conducting accurate analyses and making informed decisions. This commitment to data quality is what makes PatentsView the best in its class for patent data.

  • Support for Legacy API to End in February 2025. Switch to PatentSearch API Now.

    PatentsView is phasing out our legacy API, making way for the more advanced and efficient PatentSearch API. In September 2024, we began the process of retiring the old API, with full discontinuation set for February 2025. 

    We encourage all users to transition to the new PatentSearch API to ensure uninterrupted access to our services and to take advantage of the enhanced features and speed it offers.

    Ready to switch? Request a PatentSearch API key through our service desk.

    About PatentSearch API

    The new PatentSearch API is intended to inspire exploration and enhanced understanding of US intellectual property (IP) and innovation systems. The database for the PatentSearch API is updated regularly and features the best available tools for inventor disambiguation and data quality control.

    Researchers and developers can use the API to uncover information about people and companies, and to visualize trends and patterns in the US innovation landscape.

    The API offers seven unique endpoints that allow users to explore various questions, such as:

    • Which companies hold patents in 3D printing? Discover their locations and the technologies they were innovating in before and after receiving 3D printing patents.
    • What technology has been most commonly patented in the US in the last five years? Identify the top US and non-US cities producing these patents.
    • Which US inventors earned the most patents in the last 30 years? Track their patenting activity, including the number and types of patents and their co-inventors.

    Learn More About PatentSearch API

    For detailed documentation on the new PatentSearch API, visit our PatentSearch API Reference page. Additionally, you can explore the Swagger interface.

    Why Are We Switching APIs?

    PatentsView has been offering an API since 2015, which has been widely used and valued by thousands of users. 

    However, based on years of feedback and the evolving nature of patent data, PatentsView released the PatentSearch API in early 2024. This new API enhances the functionality and speed of the previous version.

    Consolidating Names

    Over time, the legacy API has been known by various names, including “PatentsView API,” “Swagger-based API,” and “MySQL API.” The new PatentSearch API has also been referred to as the “Elasticsearch API,” “Beta API,” and “Search API.” 

    Moving forward, we will consolidate the naming to its official title – PatentSearch API.

  • What’s New with PatentsView – March 2024

    The PatentsView team is always working to make our data more complete, more accurate, and more useful. Recently, we completed a validation process of our assignee disambiguation algorithm. We created large, updated, ground truth dataset to calculate a current view of the performance of our assignee disambiguation algorithms.

    This blog highlights our continued commitment to assignee disambiguation validation by detailing the process we went through to build a hand-labeled ground truth dataset, the python packages and metrics used in assignee validation, and by openly disclosing results and their statistical significance. 

    Why is evaluation important?

    Model evaluation is important because it allows us to be publicly transparent about the performance of our disambiguated data, identify situations where our model does not perform as well as it could, and to make changes to improve overall performance.  We validate our assignee disambiguation algorithm by estimating key performance metrics, like precision and recall, that summarize its accuracy. 

    Assignee Labeling Process

    Estimating the performance of our disambiguation algorithm requires benchmarking data: some “ground truth” against which we can compare our predictions and assess the quality of our disambiguation. There are two main types of ground truth data used to evaluate entity resolution algorithms. 

    The first type is partially resolved entities, which consists of examples of matching entity mentions (e.g., an example of assignees from two patents, like “Microsoft” and “Microsoft Corp.” that we know refer to the same organization), as well as examples of non-matching entities (e.g., “Microcorp” and “Microsoft”), which upon research of company location and services offered, we know are two separate companies. 

    The second type of ground truth data is fully resolved entities. In this case, we find all patents for which Microsoft is an assignee and use that as complete ground truth for evaluation. We demonstrate how we cluster entities, such as all instances of “Microsoft,” to create our ground truth in the remaining paragraphs of this section.

    Our evaluation process focuses on the second type of data, fully resolved entities, because this method provides more robust statistical outputs. We employed three data labelers for over 100 combined hours to resolve the entities of over 250 randomly selected assignee mentions. To maximize the accuracy of the ground truth labels we created, that is groupings of rawassignees that are mentions of the same organization, we broke the process down into two main parts: (a) finding everything that could be a related entity and then (b) removing unlike assignees based on greater rawassignee detail.

    In step (a) finding everything that could be a related entity, for each assignee, we compared the assignee reference (organization name or first/last name) with hundreds of similar names in our database. This was done by the hand-labelers using a custom-made Streamlit application, which we designed to be both a query and data augmentation tool. Labelers pulled similar assignees by testing various potential name representations – name shortenings, abbreviations, potential misspellings, etc. – in Streamlit and saving the results. Streamlit then augmented the saved results from the labeler search by adding previous clusters (prior disambiguation result) that were associated with one or more of the rawassignees found by the labeler and were not previously included. 

    For step (b) removing unlike assignees based on greater rawassignee detail, hand-labelers reviewed the saved cluster output from step (a). The saved cluster data contained additional information about the rawassignee, including the associated patent, patent type, CPC classification, and location. Using filters, sorting, or any resource necessary, labelers carefully inspected all types of assignee data which could prove useful to remove any rawassignee mentions that should not be included in the final cluster. Dependent on the size of clusters, manual review could take between two minutes and an hour.

    Evaluation Packages – Written for PV

    PatentsView estimates performance metrics in a transparent manner using open-source entity resolution evaluation software. The functions are called in this location from our PatentsView-DB repository. We leverage two repositories; ER-Evaluation for the pairwise precision and recall metric functions and PatentsView-Evaluation to upload the relevant benchmark datasets (Binette & Reiter, 2023,1). You can find more technical details about this process in the documentation and code linked in this section.

    Statistical Significance

    Precision and recall are standard metrics in evaluating entity resolution and a detailed discussion about those metrics can be found in our last evaluation report (Monath, et al, 2021, 15). Based on the newest PatentsView Ground Truth labeled data, the latest data update achieved a precision of .90 and a recall of .72. This indicates that we are more likely to leave a rawassignee record[1] out of a cluster (False Negative) than erroneously include an additional record into a cluster (False Positive). 

    Precision and recall are calculated on an entity level evaluating the results of the most recent assignee disambiguation algorithm for the 228 assignee clusters, where we have ground truth data. See our last evaluation report for a more detailed explanation on the difference of entity-level versus rawassignee record level evaluation (Monath, 2021, 16-17). A standard deviation of around 4% for both of our estimates can be interpreted as 4% variability around the estimate – meaning that there is an approximately 68% likelihood that the true (population) precision is between 0.8604 to 0.9400, and that recall is between 0.6839 to 0.7699. This team believes that 4% variability is a narrow enough range for confidence in these evaluation metrics. 

    MetricEstimateStandard Deviation



    In conclusion, the recent advancements in PatentsView, particularly concerning the validation of assignee disambiguation algorithms, signify a steadfast commitment to data accuracy and transparency. Through meticulous evaluation processes and the creation of comprehensive ground truth datasets, we ensure quality of our disambiguated data.

    By employing multiple data labelers and leveraging sophisticated evaluation packages, such as ER-Evaluation and PatentsView-Evaluation, metrics like precision and recall are estimated, shedding light on the algorithm's performance.

    The latest update boasts an impressive precision of 0.90 and a recall of 0.727, indicating a high level of accuracy in entity resolution. These efforts underscore PatentsView's unwavering dedication to providing users with high-quality disambiguated assignee data and our commitment to transparency to our users in our processes and our work.


    Binette, O., & Reiter, J. P. (2023). ER-Evaluation: End-to-End Evaluation of Entity Resolution Systems. The Journal of Open-Source Software

    Monath, N., Jones, C., & Madhavan, S. (2021, July). PatentsView: Disambiguating Inventors, Assignees, and Locations. Retrieved from 


    [1] PatentsView defined a “rawassignee record” as every mention of an assignee found on all granted patents and patent applications

  • What Can PatentsView Do for You?

    PatentsView was launched in 2017 to help people access, understand, and use patent data in their research. The award-winning data visualizations shed light on trends and can show how inventors and innovation have changed since 1976, and the bulk data downloads, API tool, and community collaborative can let you dig deeper into patents data.

    People have recently used PatentsView data to better understand innovation in Latin America, and they have mapped skill-relatedness networks to get a better idea about how the economy is evolving.

    Using PatentsView data

    Do you have a question about patents, innovation, inventors, or technology? PatentsView gives you several options to access and analyze its data.

    1. Patent Visualizations: A collection of charts and graphs to  explore patent data in an accessible format. The visualization tools allow the user to search for keywords, filter by location, make comparisons by attribute, and view a network of patents that shows a big picture.
    2. Community Collaborative: A moderated community that offers collaborative spaces, such as a discussion forum and the Data in Action Spotlight. The Data   in Action Spotlight is a blog featuring information about research done with PatentsView data and tools, updates to the PatentsView site, relevant events, and more.
    3. PatentSearch API: PatentSearch API allows software developers and researchers to work with our data within their local environment. Documentation is available on the PatentSearch API reference page for PatentSearch API as well as its query language and a list of specialized endpoints to search and filter the data. 
    4. Data Query Builder: A user-friendly query builder interface to allow users to create their own datasets based on specific search criteria. The query builder is distinct from the API Tool. The final dataset from any customized query is made available by providing a link sent to the user's email address. NOTE: At the time of posting, The Query Builder tool is currently down and unable to send requested data to your email address. Until it is back online, please refer to our service desk to inquire about customized data requests.
    5. Bulk Data Download: A page that provides the data used to create the website and its visualizations. It is split into various tables that contain raw, disambiguated, or processed data. The page also provides example Python and R scripts meant to assist with reading the data after they have downloaded.

    Updates and Improvements

    The PatentsView team is constantly adding new patent data, improving functionality, and fixing bugs and errors. For instance, PatentsView recently released data through September 30, 2023, and is working on a new data release in March.

    Earlier this year, the team updated the location standardization process. Visit the release notes page for a full list of updates and improvements over time.

    We Want to Hear from You

    Many of these improvements were spurred by user suggestions and questions. Your exploration of the data and reporting of discrepancies and errors helps support our team to return the highest quality data to the public.

    Please contact our service desk with any data questions and suggestions you may have, including Data in Action Spotlight post ideas. Let us know if you have recently published a paper or given a presentation based on PatentsView data or if you have an upcoming event that uses PatentsView in some way.

    To receive regular updates on what the PatentsView team is working on, subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter.

  • The Case of the Missing Assignee Data: How the AIA Affected Pre-grant Assignee Information on Patent Applications

    The PatentsView team has received several inquiries about assignee data that appears to be missing starting in 2013. The number of assignees in pre-grant patent data seems to have suddenly fallen around that time, leading users to think that the data is missing or there is an error.

    We always appreciate our users bringing issues to our attention. It allows us to keep PatentsView data accurate and up to date. In this case, however, what you are seeing is not an error and there is no data missing. The sudden change is due to a shift in policy.

    The America Invents Act and Patent Data

    The 2011 America Invents Act (AIA) was designed to reduce waiting times in the patent application process. There were also provisions meant to reduce the number of lawsuits and other litigation that inventors and entrepreneurs faced and to bring the U.S. process and data in line with other countries.

    The bill also changed the rules for who could be listed as an applicant on patent applications. Prior to the act, applicants had to be a person. Most often, it was the inventor. If that person was working as part of a company or organization, then the organization would be listed as an assignee.

    Changes in Assignee Data

    The AIA allowed organizations to be listed as applicants and no longer required them to be listed as assignees. Beginning around 2013, they were doing just that. The number of assignees in patent applications dropped significantly because of this change, as shown in the graph below.

    A line graph that shows a drop in the number of organizations listed as applicants around 2013.

    However, the change in the application process did not affect granted patent data. Once the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a patent, it generally lists the organization as an assignee. Therefore, the granted patent data does not reflect the same change in number of assignees as the pre-grant data.

    All this means that what looks like missing data — fewer than expected assignees in pre-grant data — is actually just a change in the way the data is collected and reported.

    Questions About PatentsView Data

    Our users are the greatest asset we have at PatentsView. If you have an issue with or question about PatentsView tools or data, you can browse our community forum or visit our service desk. We want to hear from you.


  • What's New with PatentsView - December 2022

    What’s new with PatentsView: Our Algorithm is getting better!

    Over the last few months, PatentsView has been improving its disambiguation algorithms. These improvements give researchers, students, inventors, intellectual property enthusiasts, and anyone else with an interest in patent information more accurate data to work with.

    What has changed?

    Our algorithms have been updated to better represent patent trends by location and assignee. The updated algorithms increase accuracy in clustering — the grouping of raw information into similar organizations — and incorporate Open Street Mapping as an additional source. This results in better, more accurate data and analysis.

    These changes apply to all PatentsView data, including bulk downloads, legacy and PatentSearch APIs, query builder tool, and list searches.  

    What are disambiguation algorithms?

    PatentsView’s data visualizations and analysis rely on a series of algorithms and post-processing techniques to sort inventors and assignees by name and place. We need this process, known as disambiguation, because patent data is often incomplete or inconclusive.

    For example, one inventor may apply for multiple patents using different variations on their name, like John Smith, J. Smith, and Johnny P. Smith. Our algorithms help determine if these are all the same inventor or three different inventors.

    Why is this important?

    PatentsView’s goal is to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and complete analysis of intellectual property data to foster better knowledge of the IP system and drive new insights into invention and innovation. Updates like this put us one step closer to that goal.

    You can learn more about our methods and sources at

  • What's New with PatentsView - September 2022

    AI & Innovation and Resource Pages Now Available

    As we start a new academic year, PatentsView is working to help researchers better understand the relationships across various patents and innovative technologies. To that end, we’ve launched two new pages: a topic page on Artificial Intelligence & Innovation, and a new Resources page.

    The Artificial Intelligence & Innovation Patent Dataset

    While artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced by leaps and bounds, researchers are still working to understand the many ways AI inventions and innovations have impacted technology and society. To help researchers delve into how this emerging technology is affecting our lives, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released the AI Patent Dataset (AIPD).

    The dataset includes an analysis of 13.2 million patent documents published through 2020, identifying which patents contain AI. The AIPD integrates seamlessly into PatentsView, allowing researchers to explore relationships between patents related to AI and the companies and inventors who hold them.

    What’s on the new AI & Innovation page?

    The new page contains an interactive data visualization that allows users to explore how patents are related to government interest, a deep dive into the machine learning model used to create the AIPD, and the latest AI-related news and reports.

    Visit the new AI & Innovation Page now to find out more.

    What’s on the new Resources page?

    The new PatentsView Resources page provides patent researchers, inventors, and intellectual property afficionados an easy way to find code snippets and packages to better use the PatentsView API, sources to help researchers use BigQuery to explore historical patent and PatentsView data, Zenodo links between patents and scientific articles, and more.

    You can also find information about the I3 Collaborative and IPRoduct repositories. I3 and IPRoduct are working groups for users to contribute to data frames and named data projects as well as export collaboratively made datasets. IPRoduct focuses on connecting patents to products in support of intellectual property rights, and I3 is a project to connect citations and patents among patenting groups worldwide.

    Get connected on the new Resources page.

  • What's New with PatentsView - July 2022

    A few months ago, our team announced a break in the quarterly data update cycle. This interruption  allowed us to standardize, consolidate, clean, and amplify our current resources across the bulk data download and API products.  

    The bulk data downloads are currently comprised of more than 100 individual files. These files include disambiguated inventors, assignees, and locations, patent classification lookup tables, government interest information, long-text data and claims, and pre-granted patent application publications. The PatentsView team’s standardization and consolidation efforts aim to decrease barriers to merging these files. Part of this process targets data fields and table structures across the granted patent and pre-granted publications datasets. The standardization will also include updating PatentsView’s naming conventions for USPC and CPC fields to map closer to United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) naming conventions.  

    Data update processes resume this month with an anticipated release this September. The September update will include data released by USPTO in between January and June 2022.  

    Since one goal of the API redesign is to mirror the data available in the bulk data downloads, our team is continuing to increase the number of endpoints and data fields accessible through the beta Elastic Search API. With the September data update, we plan to release all remaining granted patent data currently not available in the MySQL API but available in the downloaded data (i.e. botanic, long-text description fields, applicants, etc.). We will release pre-grant patent publications’ data and endpoints by the end of the year. 

    As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback and communication with our team. Our email inbox and feedback form are open; we strive to respond to messages within two business days. To ask questions or start a conversation within the PatentsView user community, please see the Forum available on our website. 

    P.S. Here’s a quick note: Our Query Builder tool was supposed to remain available during this time of data product harmonization, but because of new Google email regulations on APIs, we are currently unable to return your datasets via email. We are seeking a solution to this issue and will keep you posted. In the interim, if you require a dataset from the Query Builder, please reach out to our team for guidance.  

  • What's New With PatentsView - July 2021

    Since our last data update, PatentsView data scientists and developers have been hard at work rewriting disambiguation algorithms and streamlining our data pipeline processes for smoother and more replicable update cycles in future months and years to come. With this latest update, which includes patent data through March 30, 2021, we are now two full update cycles into use of our revised algorithms for disambiguating data. For more information on data changes, please visit our release notes page.

    As the data sets get larger and more complex and as new fields and attributes are added to the PatentsView database, our servers, domains, and other hardware must also be upgraded to continue to support our work. Our latest upgrade is the PatentsView application programming interface (affectionately known as the API). The legacy API served 3,000–300,000 requests every day. While a majority of these requests succeed, over the past few years the number of requests that fail has increased due to the size of the data sets. To address this and to stay up to date with industry standards, PatentsView has begun the process of redesigning the API.

    For more information about API changes, please read on.

    API Redesign

    Design Goals

    • Enable a search-centric approach to the API rather than a querying/filter-based approach.
    • Achieve response times in range of seconds rather than minutes.
    • Improve user experience by limiting number and size of individual API requests from the server.
    • Align the API design with industry standards in terms of request and response format, headers, and documentation.


    The technology and design choices for the new PatentSearch API were made with the above goals in mind. The v0.1 PatentSearch API will apply this approach to a narrow scope of patent citations and application citations. As a result, the corresponding fields in the legacy API, shown below, will be discontinued.

    Discontinued Fields

    API Field Name


    Common Name






    Application Number



    Application ID (issued by USPTO) for application cited by the selected patent



    Entity Category



    Entity that cited an application in the selected patent



    Filing Date



    Filing date for application cited in the selected patent



    Kind Code



    Patent kind code of application cited by patent






    Order in which a citation is cited by patent



    Patent Category



    Category of cited patent



    Patent Date



    Grant date of cited patent



    Patent Kind



    Patent kind of cited patent (see patent_kind for details)



    Patent Number



    Patent number of cited patent



    Patent Sequence



    Order in which patent is cited by the selected patent



    Patent Title



    Title of cited patent



    Patent Category



    Category of citing patent



    Patent Date



    Grant date of patent citing the selected patent



    Patent Kind



    Patent kind of citing patent (see patent_kind for details)



    Patent Number



    Patent number of citing patent



    Patent Title



    Title of citing patent

    New PatentSearch API Fields

    Patent Citation Endpoint

    API Field Name


    Common Name





    Patent Number


    Patent of interest



    Cited Patent Number


    Patent number cited by patent of interest (i.e., backward citation)



    Citing Entity Type


    Entity type (e.g., examiner, applicant, etc.) that made the citation on the patent of interest.



    Patent Date


    Grant date of the cited patent



    Patent Sequence


    Order in which the cited patent is listed on the patent of interest

    Application Citation Endpoint

    API Field Name


    Common Name





    Patent Number


    Patent of interest



    Cited Application Number


    Application number of the application cited by patent of interest



    Citing Entity Type


    Entity type (e.g., examiner, applicant, etc.) that made the citation on the patent of interest



    Filing Date


    Filing date for application cited on the patent of interest





    Order in which the cited application listed on the patent of interest


    To achieve the design goals related to performance, the scope of the citations’ endpoint has been reduced, as outlined below.

    1. Patent Fields

    What has changed: Patent-related information such as patent title, patent type, patent kind, etc., will not be available in the citations’ endpoint.

    How this affects users: API clients will need to make two requests, one to the citations’ endpoint to obtain the patent numbers and a second to the patent’s endpoint to get the patent-related information.

    1. Citedby and Cited Patents

    What has changed: Previously, users were able to send a patent number (or other queries) and obtain patent numbers that cite the requested patent (called forward citations) as well as the patent numbers that the requested patent has cited (called backward citations). With the new PatentSearch API, users will only be able to obtain patent numbers that the requested patent has cited (i.e., backward citations).

    How this affects users: API clients will need to send two requests:

    • once with the patent numbers of interest in the “patent_number” field to get the list of patents that the requested patent has cited (i.e., backward citations); and
    • again with patent numbers of interest in the “cited_patent_number” field to get the list of patents that cite the requested patent number (i.e., forward citations).

    Bulk Requests

    To support the above changes, the new citations PatentSearch API and the legacy API will both support a “bulk” request wherein API clients can send up to 1,000 values in either patent number field. The maximum number of patents that can be sent will depend on the mechanism of request (POST vs. GET), and this maximum will be revisited at the end of the pilot phase.

    What Else Is New?

    PatentSearch API documentation will be released along with the v0.1 public release. A summary of the changes are as follows:

    • Developers will need to obtain an API key to access the API.
    • Each API key will be allowed 45 requests per minute.
    • GET request format remains unchanged.
    • POST requests will need to send JSON data (instead of string representation of JSON).
    • The response from the server will have the following:
      • an “error” field indicating if the request resulted in an error;
      • X-Status-Reason and X-Status-Reason-Code in case of an error; and
      • Retry-After header in case of throttled requests.


    Aug. 1: Citations Endpoints API (v0.1) released to pilot users

    Sept. 1: Citations Endpoints API (v0.1) released to public users


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