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Pre-Grant Data Download Dictionary

The pre-grant publications data includes all publications released by the USPTO for download from 2001 through the most recent data update.

pg_granted_pgpubs_crosswalkTable mapping patent application's to their corresponding granted patent numbers
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20100273145allbigint(16)
patent_idpatent number9134302allvarchar(20)
application_idapplication number8479995allvarchar(16)
current_pgpub_id_flagFlag indicating whether this row contains the most recent pgpub_id for a given application (TRUE = This pgpub_id refers to the most recent publication of this application; FALSE = This application has been re-published or corrected in a more recent publication)TRUEallboolean

Flag indicating whether this row contains the most recent patent_id for a given application (TRUE = This patent_id refers to the most recent patent granted to this application; FALSE = This patent has been withdrawn and re-issued under a more recent patent_id)

pg_applicant_not_disambiguatedUS party and applicant information as it appears in the source XML files
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20200075150allbigint(16)
applicant_sequenceorder in which the party/applicant appears in the source XML file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.3allint(11)
applicant_authorityThe type of interest the applicant has in the intellectual property rights of a patent or application. May be equal to inventor, legal-representative, party-of-interest, obligated-assignee, assignee, or
raw_applicant_name_firstfirst name of the party/applicant, if an individualJanetallvarchar(256)
raw_applicant_name_lastlast name of the party/applicant, if an individualMcCallisterallvarchar(256)
raw_applicant_organizationorganization of the party/applicant, if applicableFUJIFILM Corporationallvarchar(256)
applicant_typetype of the party/applicantapplicantallvarchar(64)
applicant_designationdesignation of the party/applicantus-onlyallvarchar(32)
rawlocation_idparties' unique location id0000c51a-0d76-11eb-a344-121df0c29c1eallvarchar(128)
pg_assignee_disambiguatedDisambiguated assignee data. Methodology description can be found here
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20080163497allbigint(16)
assignee_sequenceorder in which assignee appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.1allint(11)
assignee_idunique assignee ID generated by the disambiguation algorithm000009fd-0268-46a4-b493-c8e5f7672331allvarchar(64)
disambig_assignee_individual_name_firstfirst name, if assignee is individualDouglas Normanallvarchar(256)
disambig_assignee_individual_name_lastlast name, if assignee is individualHartzallvarchar(256)
disambig_assignee_organizationorganization name if assignee is organizationBIC-Violex SAallvarchar(256)
assignee_typeassignee type (1- Unassigned, 2 - US Company or Corporation, 3 - Foreign Company or Corporation, 4 - US Individual, 5 - Foreign Individual, 6 - US Federal Government, 7 - Foreign Government, 8 - US County Government, 9 - US State Government. Note: A "1" appearing before any of these codes signifies part interest)42002 and afterint(11)
location_idassignee's location. If the assignee's sequence number is 1, then his/her location is the "location" of the related patent78b9e85a-3bc6-11eb-a3cd-121df0c29c1eallvarchar(128)
pg_assignee_not_disambiguatedRaw assignee information as it appears in the source XML files
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20080163497allbigint(16)
assignee_sequenceorder in which assignee appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.1allint(11)
assignee_idunique assignee ID generated by the disambiguation algorithm000009fd-0268-46a4-b493-c8e5f7672331allvarchar(64)
raw_assignee_individual_name_firstfirst name, if assignee is individualDouglas Normanallvarchar(256)
raw_assignee_individual_name_lastlast name, if assignee is individualHartzallvarchar(256)
raw_assignee_organizationorganization name if assignee is organizationBIC-Violex SAallvarchar(256)
assignee_typeassignee type (1- Unassigned, 2 - US Company or Corporation, 3 - Foreign Company or Corporation, 4 - US Individual, 5 - Foreign Individual, 6 - US Federal Government, 7 - Foreign Government, 8 - US County Government, 9 - US State Government. Note: A "1" appearing before any of these codes signifies part interest)42002 and afterint(11)
rawlocation_idassignee's location. If the assignee's sequence number is 1, then his/her location is the "location" of the related patent78b9e85a-3bc6-11eb-a3cd-121df0c29c1eallvarchar(128)
pg_brf_sum_text_{year}Text of application summary for a given year
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20050011018allbigint(16)
summary_texttext of the summary itselfThe present disclosure is directed ..allmediumtext
pg_claims_{year}Full text of application claims, including dependency and sequence
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20050010988allbigint(16)
claim_sequenceorder in which claims appear in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.2allint(11)
claim_textclaim text2 . A garment according to claim 1 , wherein: …allmediumtext
dependentsequence number of claim this is dependent on. NULL if independentclaim 1allvarchar(512)
claim_numbercontains claim number of claim formatted as 0-prefixed 5 digit number00002allvarchar(128)
pg_cpc_at_issueCPC classification at the time the application was submitted
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20170047568allbigint(16)
cpc_sequenceorder in which the CPC classifications occur in the raw XML file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.14all except 2005int(11)
cpc_version_indicatordate corresponding to the version under which the classification was made2013-01-01alldate
cpc_sectionCPC section  (A = Human Necessities, B = Performing Operations; Transporting, C = Chemistry; Metallurgy, D = Textiles; Paper, E = Fixed Constructions, F = Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting Engines or Pumps, G = Physics, H = Electricity, Y = General Tagging of New Technological Developments)Ball except 2005varchar(16)
cpc_classCPC section id plus CPC class valueB65allvarchar(16)
cpc_subclassCPC group id:
cpc_groupCPC subgroup id:
cpc_typeCategory of CPC classification "Inventional" or "Additional"Inventionalallvarchar(16)
cpc_action_dateDate corresponding to the approval of the CPC classification2017-02-16alldate
pg_cpc_currentCurrent CPC classification of the application
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20190113923allbigint(16)
cpc_sequenceorder in which the CPC classifications occur in the raw XML file; sequence for this table begins at 0.27allint(11)
cpc_version_indicatordate corresponding to the version under which the classification was made2013-01-01alldate
cpc_sectionCPC section  (A = Human Necessities, B = Performing Operations; Transporting, C = Chemistry; Metallurgy, D = Textiles; Paper, E = Fixed Constructions, F = Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting Engines or Pumps, G = Physics, H = Electricity, Y = General Tagging of New Technological Developments)Yallvarchar(16)
cpc_classCPC section id plus CPC class valueY02allvarchar(16)
cpc_subclassCPC group id:
cpc_groupCPC subgroup id:
cpc_typeCategory of CPC classification "Inventional" or "Additional"additionalallvarchar(16)
pg_cpc_titleCPC group classification at issue of the patent
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
cpc_subclassCPC group idA01Ballvarchar(20)
cpc_subclass_titledescription of CPC groupSOIL WORKING IN AGRICULTURE OR FORESTRY;allvarchar(512)
cpc_groupCPC subgroup idA01B1/00allvarchar(20)
cpc_group_titledescription of CPC subgroupHand toolsallmediumtext
cpc_classCPC subsection idA01allvarchar(20)
cpc_class_titledescription of CPC subsectionAGRICULTURE; FORESTRY; ANIMAL HUSBANDRY; HUNTING; TRAPPING; FISHINGallvarchar(512)
pg_detail_desc_text_{year}Text of detailed description of application for a given year
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20080000006allbigint(16)
description_textfull text of the detailed descriptionThis view also illustrates optional shoulder…alllongtext
description_lengthlength of the text field72825allbigint(16)
pg_draw_desc_text_{year}Text of description of the application's drawings
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20150007372allbigint(16)
draw_desc_sequenceorder in which drawing descriptions appear in application file, often the same as the figure id; sequence for this table begins at {1}.15allint(11)
draw_desc_texttext of the drawing descriptionsFIG. 22 is a simplified enlarged view…allmediumtext
pg_foreign_priorityInformation about an earlier patent filing in a foreign country which gives the claim priority 
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20110296671allbigint(16)
priority_claim_sequenceorder in which priority claims appear in publication; sequence for this table begins at {1}1allint(11)
priority_claim_kindtype of priority claim (international, national, regional)national2005 and aftervarchar(20)
foreign_application_idforeign patent application number93114223allvarchar(256)
filing_datedate on which the foreign document was filed2004-05-202002 and afterdate
foreign_country_filedcountry in which the foreign document was filedTWallvarchar(256)
pg_gov_interestMapping of patent numbers to raw government interest text
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20100273145allbigint(16)
gi_statementraw government interest textThe invention herein described was made in the course of work under a grant or award from the U.S. Army.allmediumtext
pg_gov_interest_contractsMapping of Federal contract award numbers to patent numbers
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_idpatent number3931132allvarchar(20)
contract_award_numberfederal contract award number83-568 73allvarchar(255)
pg_gov_interest_orgFederal agencies with government interests in patents
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_idpatent number8636942allvarchar(255)
gi_organization_idunique organization id1allint(11)
fedagency_namename of Federal department, agency, bureau, etc.Department of Veterans Affairsallvarchar(255)
level_oneposition of the focal agency in a hierarchical set of relationships with the parent agency (e.g., DHHS) at level_one and child agencies at lower levels (e.g., NIH at level_two and NIDA at level_three). is equal to one and only one of the values in level_one, level_two, and level_threeDepartment of Veterans Affairsallvarchar(255)
level_twoposition of the focal agency in a hierarchical set of relationships with the parent agency (e.g., DHHS) at level_one and child agencies at lower levels (e.g., NIH at level_two and NIDA at level_three). is equal to one and only one of the values in level_one, level_two, and level_threeU.S. Census Bureauallvarchar(255)
level_threeposition of the focal agency in a hierarchical set of relationships with the parent agency (e.g., DHHS) at level_one and child agencies at lower levels (e.g., NIH at level_two and NIDA at level_three). is equal to one and only one of the values in level_one, level_two, and level_threeAdvanced Technology Programallvarchar(255)
pg_inventor_disambiguatedDisambiguated inventor data. Methodology description can be found here
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20150287775allbigint(16)
inventor_sequenceorder in which the inventor appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {0}.2allint(11)
inventor_idunique inventor id generated by the disambiguation algorithmfl:n_ln:benichou-1allvarchar(64)
disambig_inventor_name_firstfirst name of the inventorShigeharuallvarchar(256)
disambig_inventor_name_lastlast name of the inventorYamagamiallvarchar(256)
gender_codeinventor attributed gender (F = female, M = male, U = no gender attributed)Uallvarchar(1)
location_idinventor's location. If the inventor's sequence number is 0, then his/her location is the "location" of the related patent00000249-bdce-11ea-8a73-121df0c29c1eallvarchar(128)
pg_inventor_not_disambiguatedRaw inventor information as it appears in the source XML files
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20150287775allbigint(16)
inventor_sequenceorder in which the inventor appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {0}.2allint(11)
inventor_idunique inventor id generated by the disambiguation algorithmfl:n_ln:benichou-1allvarchar(64)
raw_inventor_name_firstfirst name of the inventorShigeharuallvarchar(256)
raw_inventor_name_lastlast name of the inventorYamagamiallvarchar(256)
deceased_flagflag determining whether the inventor is deceased or notFALSEallboolean
rawlocation_idinventor's location. If the inventor's sequence number is 0, then his/her location is the "location" of the related patent00000249-bdce-11ea-8a73-121df0c29c1eallvarchar(128)
pg_ipc_at_issueInternational Patent Classification
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_idpatent number20080166814all except 2005varchar(20)
ipc_sequenceorder in which IPC class appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.2all except 2005int(11)
classification_levelIPC classification level (A = advanced level) A2006 and aftervarchar(256)
sectionIPC section (A = Human Necessities, B = Performing Operations; Transporting, C = Chemistry; Metallurgy, D = Textiles; Paper, E = Fixed Constructions, F = Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting, G = Physics, H = Electricity)Gall except 2005varchar(256)
ipc_classIPC class01all except 2005varchar(256)
subclassIPC subclassNall except 2005varchar(256)
main_groupIPC group33all except 2005varchar(256)
subgroupIPC subgroup00all except 2005varchar(256)
classification_valueIPC classification value ( I = invention information; N = non-invention information)I2006 and aftervarchar(256)
classification_statusIPC classification status ( B = Basic or Original)B2006 and aftervarchar(256)
classification_data_sourceIPC classification data source ( H = Human - Generated; M = Machine - Generated; G = Generated via Software)Hall except 2005varchar(256)
action_dateissue date of the patent grant2008-07-102006 and afterdate
ipc_version_indicatorIPC version indicator2006-01-012006 and afterdate
pg_location_disambiguatedDisambiguated location data for inventors, assignees, and applicants
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
location_idunique location id generated by the disambiguation algorithm0009wn7out97allvarchar(128)
disambig_citycity associated with a location_idStewartallvarchar(128)
disambig_statestate associated with a location_idMNallvarchar(20)
disambig_countrycountry associated with a location_idUSallvarchar(16)
latitudelatitude for location_id44.7247allfloat
longitudelongitude for location_id-94.4858allfloat
countycounty associated with location_idMcleodallvarchar(60)
state_fipsstate FIPS code associated with a location_id27allvarchar(2)
county_fipscounty FIPS code associated with a location_id85allvarchar(6)
pg_location_not_disambiguatedRaw location information as it appears in the source XML files
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
rawlocation_idunique id000035ewn5fb3oerojqwcw4hgallvarchar(128)
location_idunique location id generated by the disambiguation algorithmq6d41gon4feyallvarchar(128)
raw_citycity associated with a location_idColorado Springsallvarchar(128)
raw_statestate associated with a location_idCOallvarchar(20)
raw_countrycountry associated with a location_idUSallvarchar(10)
pg_pct_dataPCT or regional filing data
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20080163436allvarchar(20)
published_or_filed_datedate published or filed2005-11-21alldate
pct_371_datePCT Section 371(c)(1)(2)(4)date, date when pct application was filed2007-07-16alldate
pct_102_date35 U.S.C. § 102(e) date for pct applications2015-08-112001 and afterdate
filed_countrycountry filed inWO2002 and aftervarchar(256)
application_kindkind of application (numerical for filed, alphabetical for published)002002 and aftervarchar(20)
pct_doc_numberpct document numberPCT/EP2005/056103allvarchar(128)
pct_doc_typewhether the document has been published or just filedpct_application2002 and aftervarchar(20)
pg_persistent_assigneeDisambiguated Assignee ID across data updates
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20060263593allbigint(16)


the disambiguated assignee ids associated with the raw assignee on a given pgpub document with the given sequence during the data updates matching the date stamps in the field names. Data on this table goes back to the 20201229 update.000009fd-0268-46a4-b493-c8e5f7672331allvarchar(64)
assignee_sequenceorder in which assignee appears in application file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.2allint(11)
pg_persistent_inventorDisambiguated Inventor ID across data updates
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20060263593allbigint(16)
disamb_inventor_id_xxxxxxxxthe disambiguated inventor ids associated with the raw inventor on a given pgpub document with the given sequence during the data updates matching the date stamps in the field names. Data on this table goes back to the 20210330 update.fl:n_ln:benichou-1allvarchar(64)
inventor_sequenceorder in which inventor appears in application file; sequence for this table begins at {0}.3allint(11)
pg_published_applicationData concerning pre-granted patent applications
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20100071101allbigint(16)
application_idunique application identifying number12283848allvarchar(16)
filing_datedate of application filing2008-09-15alldate 
patent_typecategory of application ('utility' or 'plant')plantallvarchar(20)
filing_typetype of publication filingus-republication-correctedallvarchar(128)
published_datedate of publication2014-07-31alldate
wipo_kindkind code of publication:
series_codeunique application identifying number12allint(11)
application_titletitle of applicationJapanese maple plant named 'King's Blood'allmediumtext
rule_47_flagflag for inventor who was unable to be contacted at filing of applicationFALSEallvarchar(8)
filenamename of XML file from which the data was parsedipa100318.xmlallvarchar(16)
pg_rel_app_textDescription of related patent applications
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20200053967allbigint(16)
rel_app_texttext of the description of the related application in questionThis application claims the benefit …allmediumtext
pg_published_application_abstractData concerning abstracts of pre-granted patent applications
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20100071101allbigint(16)
application_abstractabstract of application A new and distinct cultivar of Japanese …allmediumtext
pg_us_rel_docUS Related Documents for patent applications
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_idpatent number96838482005 and aftervarchar(20)
related_doc_typedefines the type of documentationcontinuation-in-part2005 and aftervarchar(64)
related_doc_kindkind of document (text)parent document2005 and aftervarchar(64)
related_doc_numberrelated document number133360602005 and aftervarchar(64)
published_countrycountry where related document was publishedUS2005 and aftervarchar(20)
related_doc_published_datepublication date of the related document12/23/20112005 and afterdate
related_doc_sequenceorder in which the related document appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.362005 and afterint(11)
pg_uspc_at_issueUSPTO patent classification at patent issue date
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number20060263593all (incomplete for 2002-2004)bigint(16)
uspc_sequenceorder in which uspc class appears in patent file; sequence for this table begins at {1}.7all (incomplete for 2002-2004)int(11)
uspc_mainclass_iduspc mainclass at issue313all (incomplete for 2002-2004)varchar(16)
uspc_mainclass_titledescription of uspc mainclassPRESSESall (incomplete for 2002-2004)varchar(256)
uspc_subclass_iduspc subclass at issue313/116000all (incomplete for 2002-2004)varchar(16)
uspc_subclass_titledescription of uspc subclassBINDING264all (incomplete for 2002-2004)varchar(512)
pg_wipo_technologyWIPO technology classification of the patent
Data Element NameDefinitionExampleYears PresentType
pgpub_iddocument number3930271allvarchar(20)
wipo_field_sequenceorder in which WIPO technology field appears on patent; sequence for this table begins at {0}.0allbigint(20)
wipo_field_idWIPO technology field id as derived from crosswalk
wipo_sector_titleWIPO technology sector titleElectrical engineeringallvarchar(60)
wipo_field_titleWIPO technology field titleElectrical machinery, apparatus, energyallvarchar(255)