I am using the bulk download data. My understanding of the table "usapplicationcitation":
patent_id is the id of the *citing* patent
application_id of the id the the *cited* application
I want to find the patent_id corresponding to the *cited* application. I thought the way to do this would be to use the bulk download table "application". But I can't find how to link these two tables. None of the application_id's I find in "usapplicationcitation" table appear to be in the "application" table.
Here is an example for data from "usapplicationcitation":
application_id: 2001/20010002464
number: 20010002464
citingPatentIds: 7827066,8660877,7664685,RE44932,8364513,7603296,9098818,RE44793,RE46278,9092968,8400296,7917409,8321253
Where is this application_id in the table "application"?