API Download Limit
Hi all,
I'm trying to get names of all inventors for a given country using the following Python script:
url = 'http://www.patentsview.org/api/inventors/query'
query = '{"q":{"_and":[{"inventor_lastknown_country": "CA"}, {"_gte":{"patent_date": "2000-01-01"}}]},' \ '"f":["inventor_id", "inventor_last_name", "inventor_first_name", "inventor_lastknown_country"]}'
results = requests.post(url, data=query)
json_results = results.json()
There are 70891 inventors that match this query; however, the JSON object only has 25 inventors. Any idea how can I get them all? My understanding is that using POST rather than GET should help with it.
Thank you in advance.