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Last seen: 12/27/2019 - 11:30
Joined: 12/27/2019 - 05:12
Is the patent assignment/transferring information included in PatentsView?

I'm interested about the information of assignee when patents have been transferred which is recorded in I tried to search several patents that have been transferred, but in PatentsView patent page, there are only information about the assignee at issue. 

It seems that currently PatentsView doesn't include information of assignee changes. Do you have any plan for that?

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Last seen: 11/29/2024 - 15:02
Joined: 10/17/2017 - 10:47
Hi Haojun_Xie, Thank you…

Hi Haojun_Xie,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will add this to our list of considerations for data updates in the future. However, we do not currently have a timeline for when this will be implemented.



Last seen: 11/19/2021 - 06:22
Joined: 01/15/2020 - 12:10
Dear PVTeam, following the…

Dear PVTeam,

following the exchange, I would like to have some clarifications. Is the assignee the one at the grant date as suggested by Haojun_Xie?

I am using the release available at the beginning of August. For example:

patent 8845639

inventor 6171295-1 

assignee org_WjoXPkoU9glzWZsL8xI5 (AMENDIA, INC.)

However Amendia appears only later, as reassignment, while the published "US 8,845,639 B2" reports  as "Assignee: Baxano Surgical, Inc". So I would expect as assignee "org_vJwg6MbbLmVIbNpCvAxI" , i.e. "BAXANO SURGICAL, INC." (the linkedin page of the inventor reports Baxano as one of employers , no trace of Amendia).

I am working on linking inventors to companies. I realized that I cannot use the assignee as employer because it seems to be the last available assignee (at the date data have been processed). I read that you have also data on applications: do these include applicant names? are they disambiguated?

Thank you in advance for your help and  the great service you provide to research!

Last seen: 12/06/2024 - 09:12
Joined: 11/14/2017 - 22:15
mostly at issue data


  Most of the patent fields come from the bulk grant xml files available at I assume these files have at issue data.  The cpc and uspc classifications can change over time so that data is sourced from the bulk classification files listed on  Reedtech has bulk assignment files but it doesn't seem like these files are used when the patentsview database gets rebuilt. For 8,845,639 the api returns the same assignee Baxano Surgical, Inc as listed in, the issue date for that patent.{"patent_number":"8845639"}&f=["patent_number","assignee_organization"]

This thread mentions that the plan is to provide disambiguated application data but as far as I know that hasn't happened yet. The bulk application file on the download page contains the application fields extracted from the granted patent xml files but notice that the row counts on the patent file and application file match.

I hope this helps.

Last seen: 11/19/2021 - 06:22
Joined: 01/15/2020 - 12:10
Thank you!

Thank you Russ.

You are right. I reported the wrong assignee for the selected patent. My mistake. The correct assignee is the one you retrieved through the API and it is the assignee written on the pdf file of the patent, at issue.

My aim is to trace the original applicant to understand which company is "responsible" for the origin of the invention. I will try to use the reassignment data from the uspto.
