Hi PV team and other users,
I found a problem with the dataset but not sure the reason.
I download patent.tsv from granted section (which I think include only granted patent right?), and uspatentcitation.tsv.
I found some patents only appear in uspatentcitation.tsv - citation_id, ie they are cited by other patents. But not appear in patent.tsv. For instance, citation_id: D226884, 3822488, D229251, D227821, Plt7362, Re14171. Why is this the case?
And there are some patents only appears in patent.tsv, but not in uspatentcitation.tsv as citation_id, like patent PP5148, 4098105, 9785642. I guess this is because they are never cited by other patents?
I hope my description is clear. Can you answer my question as well as confirm my guess?
Thanks a lot