Using two input cfg files with the difference being the first has some date constraints.
Test 1 returns 165 rows which is probably too low. If I plug in the returned paten numbers into the PTO Quick Number search then it is showing only the grants in January of 2006. Nothing later.
Test 2 remove constraints it returns 70 rows and does not even include the patents found in test 1.
Test 1
entity = "patents"
input_file = "assignees_name.txt"
directory = "/Users/andreashegedus/PatentsView-APIWrapper"
input_type = "assignee_organization"
fields = ["patent_number", "patent_title","cpc_subgroup_id"]
criteria1 = {"_gte":{"patent_date":"2006-1-1"}}
criteria2 = {"_lte":{"patent_date":"2016-12-31"}}
sort = [{"patent_number":"asc"}]
Test 2 Remove date criteria
entity = "patents"
input_file = "assignees_name.txt"
directory = "/Users/andreashegedus/PatentsView-APIWrapper"
input_type = "assignee_organization"
fields = ["patent_number", "patent_title","cpc_subgroup_id"]
sort = [{"patent_number":"asc"}]
The file assignees_name.txt has one line
Applied Materials, Inc.
Any idea of whats going on?