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2 posts
lucy wang
Last seen: 08/09/2021 - 09:45
Joined: 03/10/2021 - 11:11
data about applicate date

Dear PatentView,

I have some questions regarding the application date of the patents. I use the "date" variable in the bulk file "application.tsv", but I found some of the dates are hard to interpret. Some examples are patent_id =  4255928, date = 9178-12-11;  patent_id =  3963197, date = 1074-08-14. Besides, I checked the grant date for these patents, and they are all well defined. May I ask what was going on here? Does it mean those patents are missing in the application date or is there something I can do to recover their application date? Thanks very much!




Last seen: 03/21/2024 - 09:05
Joined: 11/14/2017 - 22:15

Hi Lucy,

These errors are in the underlying grant files produced by the patent office. The patentsview database is built from these files. You can pull the data file if you know the issue date. See Patent Grant Full Text Data (No Images) (JAN 1976 - PRESENT) on   The file formats changed over time from text based to two different versions of xml but the api team's load process handles this.

Here's the application date from 1976.dat for  3963197: APD  10740814
Here's the application date from 1981.dat for 4255928: APD  91781211

There are a lot of weird things in the bulk files.  I've come across locations where they start "Late of" if the applicant is deceased when the patent is issued: q={"_begins":{"location_city":"late of"}

I'm not sure if the data can be cleaned up programmatically but it would be an interesting problem to try to solve!
