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Last seen: 07/14/2022 - 16:30
Joined: 07/12/2022 - 19:22
Design patents missing from dataset

Hi there,

I'm working on a project that uses the PatentsView API to look up data about a set of patents based on the patent number. I just ran into a set of patent numbers that aren't returning any data, and they all seem to be design patents.

I was able to look them up successfully using and so I was wondering if design patents, in particular, are excluded from this dataset, or if there may be another explanation.

Here's a list of some of the patents I was unable to find using the API: ["D226806", "D675865", "D685606", "D949628", "D787935"]




Last seen: 12/14/2024 - 19:58
Joined: 11/14/2017 - 22:15
some are there

Hi Tyler,

Three of the patent in your list are in the patentsview database , only the earliest and most recent one aren't found.  {"patent_number":["D226806","D675865","D685606","D949628","D787935"]}

The patentsview database is built from the bulk xml files the patent office makes available on  The data starts in 1976 which is why D226806, issued May 1, 1973 isn't found.  Note that patft only has an image of that patent, not the data as text.  

The patentsview database is loaded roughly quarterly, with data currently loaded through December 30, 2021.  That's why D949,628 isn't found, it was issued April 26, 2022.  The release-notes page says that the next data load will be in September, loading data thru June.

I hope this helps,
Russ Allen

Last seen: 07/14/2022 - 16:30
Joined: 07/12/2022 - 19:22

Hey Russ,

Thanks for your help! And the explanations on the two that still aren't in the dataset.

Looks like my problem was that I was using the wrong URL to access the API. I copied the URL from the Swagger documentation instead of I switched the URL and now everything's working!

Slightly unrelated question, but are there any plans to include patent application data in this API, or are you familiar with any APIs that provide this data? I'm looking for something similar to, that would return data on patent application numbers such as 20130346482 and 20200076876.



Last seen: 12/14/2024 - 19:58
Joined: 11/14/2017 - 22:15
swagger etc

Hi Tyler,

 Pvteam will have to answer about their plans.  I do think they are processing the bulk application xml files.

The Swagger page you found is for the new version of the api, you'd have to request an api key to get it to do anything.  I reverse engineered the Swagger UI page for the current version of the api, it's here.   Info on the new version of the api is here and I'm working on updating the R package for it.

ppubs is supposed to replace patft and appft in August, according to this press release.  It's not meant to be an api but you could try making requests against it.

It looks like everything we know will be changing.  I never thought I'd say it, but I think I'll miss patft!

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Last seen: 12/16/2024 - 15:49
Joined: 10/17/2017 - 10:47
Hello Tyler and Russ,  The…

Hello Tyler and Russ, 

The team does have plans to include PatentsView's PGPubs data in the new Elastic Search API. These endpoints are currently set to be added by the end of the year. 



Last seen: 08/14/2022 - 02:24
Joined: 08/06/2022 - 11:38
design patent are missing in elasticsearch

Hi PVTeam, 

I am trying out the new API using elasticsearch. I found that design patent
is missing from the dataset.
I used below URL to search.[ "patent_number",
"patent_title", "patent_date" , "patent_type","patent_kind"]&o={ "size":
100,"offset": 0 }&q={"_eq":{"patent_type": "design"}}&s=[{ "patent_number":
"asc" }]
only 15 records were returned. It seems the "patent_number" can only take number, while design patent starts with a "D", e.g. D226806

Role: moderator
Last seen: 12/16/2024 - 15:49
Joined: 10/17/2017 - 10:47
Design patents not in the ES API

Hello Jacky, this is a bug we are working to fix. Hoping to have a fix deployed by next week!

Thank you,
