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Last seen: 01/02/2023 - 00:09
Joined: 10/18/2022 - 02:01
Gender attribution in 30th Oct 2022 file - Unknowns have increased


I noticed that the gender attribution in the "inventor" data has changed in the latest 30th Oct 2022 dataset, compared to the 29th March 2022 dataset.

1. The number of patents with "unknown" male_flag has significantly increased

 Data date--> 29th March 2022 30th Oct 2022
patent_id - total count 8061179 8168689
male - patent count with male inventor 7582224 7452889
female - patent count with female inventor 1554108 1636385
unknown - patent count with unknown inventor 761735 1894117


2. The overall count of inventors has come down and 'unknown' have increased

 Data date--> 29th March 2022 30th Oct 2022
male_flag - Inventor count Freq. Percent Freq. Percent
Female 507,762 12.43 461,892 12.06
Male 3,127,004 76.57 2,905,327 75.86
Unknown 449,282 11 462,537 12.08
Total 4,084,048 100 3,829,756 100


I need to sure whether the 30th Oct is better and reliable over the previous version.

Please advise.





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Last seen: 11/29/2024 - 15:02
Joined: 10/17/2017 - 10:47
Gender attribution through March 2023

Hello Shashi, 

This is a correct observation for the time periods listed. We paused on attributing gender to new inventors at the time and now, as of the March 2023 update, the rates should be comparable. 

Thank you,

PV Team