About Beta Bulk Download Tables
Welcome to our beta data files page!
We are excited to offer sorted bibliographic data, which more accurately reflect the inventors, applicants, and assignees role on printed applications (Pre-Grant Publications) and patents. These tables correct inconsistencies in the source XML data due to changes as a result of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act.
Please note that these tables are an additional resource and do not replace the existing tables on our website. This reorganization is a test of a potential new structure that we hope will enhance your experience.
For additional detail on the motivation behind this new resource and a visual explanation of how these new tables relate to the existing tables, please refer to our new sorted data reference document. A data dictionary for these tables is also available as an excel file download here. For a more technical explanation of the problem with the source XML data and the solution implemented for these Beta Tables, please see this technical paper.
We anticipate providing disambiguated data in a similar structure in the future, but at this stage these sorted tables are only available for non-disambiguated data.
We invite you to explore this new layout and share your thoughts with us. To provide feedback, please visit our Support Portal. We look forward to hearing from you!
The PatentsView database is created from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) public bulk data releases available at https://developer.uspto.gov/data. These data releases provide information on published patent applications (since 2001) and granted patents (since 1976). The PatentsView database for patents is available for download upon request, MySQL dump. The PatentsView database for published applications contains pre-grant publications (PGPub) of patent applications (see MPEP § 1120) and is available in the top row of data in the table above. At this time, the published applications database does not contain the earliest years (2001-2005) of data or any of the disambiguation results.
For more information, visit the Methods and Sources section of the website.
This work was created through a government contract funded by the Office of Chief Economist in the US Patent and Trademark Office. Users are free to use, share, or adapt the material for any purpose, subject to the standards of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Attribution should be given to PatentsView (www.patentsview.org) for use, distribution, or derivative works.