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4 posts
Last seen: 07/15/2022 - 08:08
Joined: 04/26/2020 - 02:45
Publication date

Dear Patents View Team

I have downloaded the usreldoc data to get information on the publication date.

In various cases, there is no publication date available (NA) and in other cases there are several rows per patent id containing different dates. How is that possible?

Thanks for the help!


Role: administrator
Last seen: 06/04/2024 - 13:23
Joined: 10/21/2020 - 10:51
Hello Vanessa, we had to…

Hello Vanessa, we had to reupload this file and you should now have data where those null fields were before. 

Thank you for letting us know what you found. 



Last seen: 07/15/2022 - 08:08
Joined: 04/26/2020 - 02:45
Dear PV Team Thanks your…

Dear PV Team

Thanks your reply! I have now downloaded the new file.

However, the question remains: Why do a lot of patents have various publication dates (and not just one)? In which cases is this possible?



Role: administrator
Last seen: 06/04/2024 - 13:23
Joined: 10/21/2020 - 10:51
Hi Vanessa! I think this may…

Hi Vanessa! I think this may be because you are looking in the usreldoc table which contains publication dates for related documents to a patent, not only the pertinent dates in a patent's life cycle. Generally speaking, a patent will have three dates associated with it, namely application (date when patent application was filed), publication (date when patent application was made public), and grant (date when the patent was granted). 

It may be helpful to look at the data dictionary for the bulk download page and see what information is available from each table. Depending on what other information you are looking for, you may have more accurate results to your question of application or granted date in the application table or patent table, respectively. 

Please let us know if you have other questions. 

