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Last seen: 10/27/2024 - 19:48
Joined: 10/15/2024 - 19:03
Uncertainty regarding entries in "citation_patent_id" column

I was wondering how the entry in the citation_patent_id column is decided. Because it is not the case that our patent_id only cites 1 other patent. I also notice that if one patent_id occurs 4 times in the dataset, then why does the citation_patent_id sometimes differ and sometimes not differ (and why is it restricted to only 1 value)? 

On a deeper level, I also found the following:

Selecting a random citation_id entry from the above, say: 9715899
Ground-level checks:

  • This patent is cited by 33 patents (as per Google patents), but occurs in the dataset as a citation_id only once.

Selecting a random patent that cites 9715899, say 11381412

Ground-level checks:

  • Does 11381412 exist in our dataset as a patent = YES
  • Does this patent cite our 9715899 = NO
  • Which patent does this cite = 8487996

Does 8487996 exist as a patent citation for our patent on Google patents? = NO

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Last seen: 11/29/2024 - 15:02
Joined: 10/17/2017 - 10:47
patent citation explanation


Each record in the g_us_patent_citation table represents a single occurrence of one US patent citing one other US patent. citaiton_patent_id is the patent ID of the patent being cited, as printed on the original patent document that lists the citation. Citations from US patents to other kinds of documents are recorded in other tables. See our data dictionary ( for explanations of each table and its contents.

As an example, the record that lists 10986206 as the patent_id and 9715899 as the citation_patent_id indicates that patent 10986206 cites patent 9715899. If you see four records with the same value for patent_id, this should indicate that that patent cites 4 other patents. If you see four records with the same value for citation_patent_id, this should indicate that that patent has been cited by 4 other patents. In both cases, the other patents listed should be distict from each other. If you have a specific example where this appears to not be the case, please let us know so that we can assess whether this represents an error in our data.

The Google Patents page for patent 9715899 ( lists 33 documents in the "cited by" section. Note, however, that most of this list, including patent 11381412, is under the subheader "Family To Family Citations". This indicates that the listed documents do not cite patent 9715899 directly, but instead some document in the family of patent 11381412 cites some document in the family of patent 9715899. The kinds of related documents that would be included in the patent family would be the pre-grant publication of the patent's application, a priority or priority-claiming application, or a parent or child patent. For an overview of this kind of citation listing, see this article:

Please let us know if you need any further explanation or clarification.
